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Re: [FT] Questions from a new Full Thrust player

From: Brian Thomas <bthom37@e...>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 20:40:48 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] Questions from a new Full Thrust player

At 06:30 PM 08/29/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>>My name is Brian Thomas; I'm 21, and have been wargaming for about 3
>>now (help!  I can't stop;).  I, and my gaming group, are relatively
new to
>>Full Thrust, having mostly done GW mini games, with some Clan War and
>>Wars thrown in.  With that in mind, a few questions have come up
regarding FT.
>Welcome aboard. I think that you'll like FT & you might even get used 
>to our strange little community.
>>1) Where exactly are the advanced fighter rules?  (ie, torpedo,
>>interceptors)  Are they in FB2, or is More Thrust still in production?
>>have FT and FB1)
>Most of these rules were in More Thrust, but have now been replaced 
>by FB2 (for advanced types) and FB1 (for movement & combat).

Ok.  I've got the FB2 book on order, so that's fine.

>>2) What sort of size fleet are people normally playing?  We've played
>>2000 and 3000 pts per side (2 players per side) game, and are leaning
>>towards 2000 each person.  What has people's experience been for
>>size fleets?
>Tourneys tend to use 1500 points, but anything in that ballpark 
>produces a pretty good game. Bigger games (3000+) are more 
>impressive, but take longer to play (not advised for the 
>>3) Has anyone had any luck basing Superior minis on flight stands? 
Some of
>>them would seem well-nigh impossible (Galactic Dreadnought-sized), but
>>destroyers and destroyer leaders seem possible.
>Large figures call for large stands. I use GW's large flight bases as 
>the basis for my biggies, adding a healthy dose of brass square stock.

I'll have to give that a try, when they arrive.

>>4) Will there be a FT 3d edition anytime soon, or a FB3?
>The official response is: Don't Ask! (or else the BDS folks will get 
>out the Narn Bats)

Silly me :)

>>5) What sort of success have people had with the NAC?  (my most likely
>>fleet choice, using Superior minis)
>Good all around fleet.

That's what I thought.	I especially like the pulse torps.

>>6) Just how unbalancing, if at all, have people found DIY fleets from

Homebuilt, using the ship construction rules.  



Brian Thomas
"Monkey Hate Clean"
Lawrence, KS
Lizardmen FAQ rep

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