Re: FW: [Stargrunt-Fullthrust] DS 2 quirk
From: Glenn m wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 15:08:57 EDT
Subject: Re: FW: [Stargrunt-Fullthrust] DS 2 quirk
On Thu, 24 Aug 2000 12:08:56 +0100 () Jeremey Claridge
<> writes:
>> However, does it seem to violate the spirit of the rules
>> power/weaponry) to let the kind of example above (a Size 4 vehicle
>> witha HMT power source and stick a turret mounted HEL/3 and a
>> 'secondary' MDC/3) work? If the HMT can't fire a HEL/4 or 5 why
>> should it be able to fire BOTH a HEL/3 AND a MDC/3?
>> Where is that 'spirit' boundary?
>> Gracias.
>> Triphibious/Glenn
>How about each additional weapon with power considerations has to go
>a size.
>So you would now only be allowed say a HEL/3 but the MDC would have to
>down to a 2.
Sounds pretty reasonable.
>Or another method would be to say the energy capacity is 3 (one less
>than vehicle size)
>therefore all you could have is a HEL/2 and MDC/1 total of 3 energy
A little strict but not patently unfair to the spirit of the rules.
>Sound reasonable?
>Jeremey Claridge
Yes, it does. I might not worry since experienced (I have yet to
play!!??!) players suggest it may not be 'optimal' anyway. But then I
wanted this force to match the culture I designed for it not necessarily
be the best 'winning' design strategy (not that I want a kludgy certain
to lose one but one with a few quirks and satisfy my 'style' button and
reasonable quality/quantity will do.)
So does anybody use DS2 with a different background then the 'canned'
one? I like it but with I have an objective to merge it with my old
Starguard campaign world (Cotu) to make the battles more then
skirmishes/platoon (-) actions.
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