FW: [Stargrunt-Fullthrust] DS 2 quirk
From: Glenn m wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 17:49:54 EDT
Subject: FW: [Stargrunt-Fullthrust] DS 2 quirk
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From: "Glenn Wilson" <triphibious@juno.com>
To: Stargrunt-Fullthrust@egroups.com
Subject: [Stargrunt-Fullthrust] DS 2 quirk
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 17:54:12 -0000
Message-ID: <8o1344+39ln@egroups.com>
Sitting at the dinner table after the kids were in bed, talking with
wife, fiddling with mid-tech DS2 vehicles designs...
Per DS2, with mid-tech power plants (HMT) you can only use MDC/HEL
weapons 1 size lower then vehicle size. Seems right.
Soooo, You can only use a size 4 HEL or MDC on a size 5 vehicle, etc.
That's okay.
BUT you can take a Size 4 vehicle with a HMT power source and stick a
turret mounted HEL/3 and a 'secondary' MDC/3.
I e-mailed Jon T. IIRC an example of a primary of one type and size
and a secondary of a different type and/or size (say a HKP/4 and a
MDC/3) and he said in such a mixed weapon case he thought both should
be able to fire similar to a 'in the rules' double turret (same
types/sizes.) Both weapons would use their own range bands, etc. And
since that was my idea I was pleased to see he thought my idea while
perhaps 'unusual' still within the spirit of the rules.
However, does it seem to violate the spirit of the rules (tech/motive
power/weaponry) to let the kind of example above (a Size 4 vehicle
witha HMT power source and stick a turret mounted HEL/3 and a
'secondary' MDC/3) work? If the HMT can't fire a HEL/4 or 5 why
should it be able to fire BOTH a HEL/3 AND a MDC/3?
While I will decide how I want to run the house rules for my games I
really would like some feedback from the list members on if this
pushes the mixed weapon turret example 'over the edge' of the spirit
of the rules. I have no problem with a DFFG/1 and a HVC/4 in a
turret (it's like putting a DFFG in lieu of an APSW IMO) but I begin
to feel uneasy with the situation mentioned above.
Where is that 'spirit' boundary?
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