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Re: [ft]modular ships

From: Brian Bell <bkb@b...>
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 17:11:16 -0400
Subject: Re: [ft]modular ships


My Unofficial GZG Corporation ITTT also uses modular ships.

Now the only place that modular ships would have an advantage is in a 
campaign setting. The point cost for normal games should not be adjusted

for modular design, as it has no impact on a tactical scale.

Most of the modules that I use are cargo modules for quick exchange at 
cargo drops. Weapons modules can be used instead, but extra care has to
taken due to the nature of the module (power requirements, check sensor 
feeds, etc.).

For strategic (campagin) level, a 5% additional cost for the basic ship 
design should handle the situation. I would set the time to change
to be the same as repair of systems that were damaged by
checks/needle weapons, or a minimum of one campaign turn. This way, the 
ship cannot be reconfigured for "free", but costs time to do the
and during that time, the ship cannot engage in combat. The advantage,
was stated, is that a whole ship need not be built to adapt the ship.

I would say that some things cannot be changed by modules:
- Engines
- Ship Size (mass/hull boxes)
- Streamlining
- Screens (requires projectors from all over the ship)
- Cloak (requires projectors from all over the ship)
- Spinal mount weapons (Nova Cannon, Wave Gun)
- Fighter Bay (unless module is mass 9 or over)

I would also say that systems cannot be fitted into multiple modules.
is if you have mass 4 modules, you cannot use 2 modules to mount a
beam with 3 arcs. If you have mass 6 modules, you can do so.
Brian Bell
ICQ: 12848051
AIM: Rlyehable

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