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Re: [FT\DS2] Fleet and Army sizes for games

From: Tony Francis <tony.francis@k...>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 18:18:33 +0100
Subject: Re: [FT\DS2] Fleet and Army sizes for games

> Since my email yesterday, I've been going over some of the math in my
> The submunition bomb design I've generally settled on would probably
be a
> mass 34 ship with a cloaking device, fragile hull, FTL, and MD 4 core
> with modular sockets to fit whatever I felt like adding on for a
> target.  Depending on the mission that the campaign required, I'd have
> relatively small stockpile of spare MKP's, submunitions, scatterguns,
> control modules, and sublight drive modules waiting to get fitted to
> for a particular task.  For soap bubble carriers I'd probably stay
with MD 4,
> and fit six scatterguns, four FCs, and eight submunitions to each
> That would be enough to fend off the fighter assault of three or four
> bubbles' loads and present a high likelihood of killing at least four
> bubbles per bombship, maybe as many as ten if the soap bubbles don't
> fast enough and I get a spare turn to fire submunitions against a new
> of four with scatterguns for backup.	This is just 48 points' worth of
> ammo; those soap bubbles cost 63 points each at barebones payload. 
> cost-effective.

Do you charge a points premium for reconfigurable ships ? In campaign
terms they
have to be more valuable, mass-for-mass, than an equivalent sized ship
of fixed

[I haven't followed this thread too closely, so excuse me if I've got
the wrong end
of the stick].


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