Re: [FT] Things I cant figure
From: Brian Bell <bkb@b...>
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 23:09:17 -0400
Subject: Re: [FT] Things I cant figure
At 19:02 2000-08-09 -0400, you wrote:
>Aron Clark asked
> > >- Are Sub-Munition Packs restricted to one arc of fire?
>Someone said:
> > No, they are not (not sure on the reference)
>I don't think that's correct. My books are all at work, but my
>impression is that Submunition packs are directional, ie limited
This is always how we played (sub-pacs as 1 arc).
But, you are correct, the rules do not state it anywhere, it is just
implied by the chart at the bottom of page 30 (FT 2nd ed.).
We also played that they could be pointed at other arcs than forward,
there is no example of this in the sample ships of FT & MT (or even
[The chart on FT page 30 is rotated 90 degrees as 2nd ed. PTorps and
Cannons could only point forward].
Taking another look at the chart I got a chuckle. Does the mine laying
system shoot mines out the front or back? The rules state that it is
the path the minelayer traveled, but the chart on page 30 could indicate
either the front or the back of the minelaying symbol (as it is the same
right side up or upside down). The minesweeper symbol also has the same
problem. No response is necessary, I just found it a bit funny.
Brian Bell
ICQ: 12848051
AIM: Rlyehable