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Re: Those darned B1's

From: John Leary <john_t_leary@y...>
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 09:10:08 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Those darned B1's

--- Indy <> wrote:
> These were also factors in the ultimate outcome of
> the game.
> Although I don't recall the loss of 2 firecons being
> critical,
> since there was only one target (me! :^).
     VERY critical indeed!   At the closest range
I could only fire Pulse torps OR beams.   This
was a reduction of 50% to my firepower.   JTL
> If you want, next time I'll take a p-torp armed
> ship.  ;-)
> Mk
     I would prefer a challenge!!!!


Bye for now,
John L.

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