Prev: re: Beth's latest poll Next: RE: Vertical Damage (was: [FT] nasty idea for spinal mounts)

Re: Vertical Damage

From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <s_schoon@p...>
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 08:19:28 -0700
Subject: Re: Vertical Damage

>It's only unbalancing if the cost is wrong.  Say a cutter beam
>has range 12" and costs 10 mass and 30 points--is it still
>unbalancing?  How about 20 mass and 60 points?

OK. Fair enough. Sorry, but I'm so used to "uber-weapons" proposals
adequate balance that I sometimes jump in before all the cards are on

>Note also that against an armored ship you have a 1 in 3 chance
>of doing a threshold (and it should have been a "6" not a "5+", I
>misspoke in my original post) and you can't do a 5+ unless the
>ship has lost a hull row (because you can't get more than 6
>damage at a time and it always comes from an undamaged column if
>there are any).  Once a ship gets to its third hull row, though,
>it's done for.

1 in 3 is still about a 33% chance of causing a ship to make a check on
every system. That's still an appreciable effect.

>thanks!  I'm mildly surprised that you didn't read my mind again.
>You're slipping, Schoon--or are you designing more models to the
>detriment of my budget?

Bingo. Just sent off a set of masters the other day.


Prev: re: Beth's latest poll Next: RE: Vertical Damage (was: [FT] nasty idea for spinal mounts)