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Re: [FT] nasty idea for spinal mounts

From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <s_schoon@p...>
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 13:10:13 -0700
Subject: Re: [FT] nasty idea for spinal mounts

>Jim Bell is always quick to come up with a radical idea.  He proposed
>spinal mounts might do damage down columns (vertical rather than

I has initially proposed a "disruptor" type weapon that would have this
sort of effect. Let's say that the response was underwhelming.

In the specific case of spinal mounts, I'd advise against it because a
devastating hit from a large spinal weapon SHOULD force some thresholds.
is possible, using vertical damage, that the ship wouldn't roll a single
one, even after taking a massive amount of damage.


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