Re: [CON] ECC IV - March 2-4, 2001 - Call for participation
From: "McCarthy, Tom" <TomMcCarthy@x...>
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 13:57:24 -0400
Subject: Re: [CON] ECC IV - March 2-4, 2001 - Call for participation
>> First CanAm War (Proposed Rules):
Most Spectacular Hit and Most Spectacular Miss ? I see Dean Maki and
Kochte are already well positioned to come out ahead in this one.
Seriously, are there any limitations on how many Americans are allowed
dogpile into this game against the relatively few Canadians ? Who can
judge what is "drinkable" ? Can we find a time slot when none of the
Canadians are running games ?