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Visio File for FT

From: agoodall@c...
Date: 1 Aug 2000 09:17:49 -0700
Subject: Visio File for FT

On Tue, 01 August 2000, "Peter C" wrote: 
> Hello gang, 
>   Would anyone out there know if someone has created scalable FT
symbols for  
> the Visio CAD program? 
A couple of us have done so. I have just recently completed my Visio
symbols for Fleet Book 2. I have two Visio templates, one with FB1 and
basic FT symbols, and another with FB2. I tried to model them after what
Jon did in the Fleet Books. My FB2 symbol set includes all the Sa'vasku
stuff (movement rate chart, and power allocation charts). 
Let me know if you'd like me to e-mail them to you. Also, let me know if
you want one or both and if you can handle ZIP files.  
Take care, 

Allan Goodall -
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