Re: Battlestar Fighter Squadrons
From: Donald Hosford <Hosford.Donald@A...>
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 03:35:49 -0400
Subject: Re: Battlestar Fighter Squadrons
The only way I could deturmine how many fighters per BSG Squadron:
Wait for an episode where a single squadron during hour
3 of the
Pause the scene, and count the fighters onscreen during that "cloud of
shot. (4 head vcrs are great!)
My friend and I counted about 25 or so on screen. There are probably a
few more
just off the screen.
But 25 seemed to be a good figure to work with. As to the actual number
of vipers
per squadron...I assumed the squadron size just depended on what the
squadron was
doing. (ie: patrols only needed 5 or so, while battles used
everything...) So
they seemed to have a habit of calling any group of vipers a "squadron".
Because no-one during the bridge shot raised concern over green and
squadrons, I assume they existed.
And because they never appeared on the show, (just blue and red) I had
One, they might have been off loaded somewhere before the peace
confrence. (A
common occurance. Just after the 4th of july, the carrier JFK appeared
as an
exclusive viewing stand for Boston's "Sail 2000" event. Her entire
complement of
aircraft were transfered to land bases for the duration.)
Two, they were backup/training squadrons. (ie: replacements for red and
When the Silver Spar (star?) squadron got transfered over to the
Galactica, no-one
seemed worried as to where they were going to park 'em.
What all this seems to me is that a battlestar could carry around 120 -
150 or so
As to the Galactica's missles...I just assumed that either: Adama had
allready used
them up before the peace confrence, or was holding them back for a
really good
moment. I just assumed that the Pegasis and the Galactica were
identical, because
no-one made any statements about the ships being different.
Just my thoughts
Donald Hosford