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Re: [FT] Help Requested: Mixed FB1/FB2 Ship Designs

From: agoodall@c...
Date: 27 Jul 2000 11:57:05 -0700
Subject: Re: [FT] Help Requested: Mixed FB1/FB2 Ship Designs

On Thu, 27 July 2000, "McCarthy, Tom" wrote:

> There might be something to be said for the system defence fleet to
> emphasize expendables and kinetic weapons.  I'd also toy with giving
> fighters earlier than fleet 1.

I want to thank everyone, Tom, Beth, Chris, Laze, hope I'm not missing
anyone, for the comments! I had been leaning towards Fleet 3, but I'm
now convinced Fleet 2 would be best.

I'll work on the background, ship designs, and some scenarios. I want to
run something at the GZG-ECC using this universe.

For those that remember, this is a further development of the "Age of
Iridium" universe I invented back in '96 for the play-by-email game I
ran. (Ye gods, was it really that long ago? Four years ago? Wow... back
when the Web was still cozy, and everyone thought the next Star Wars
movie wouldn't suck. *G*).

I've changed the name of the universe to "Rising Sun". Those of you who
remember that game will have a hint of what's going on. When I've got
more stuff figured out, I'll post it to my web site. 

Thanks again. You've given me lots to think about...

Allan Goodall -
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