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Re: The GZG Digest V2 #36

From: "SAM" <sue.monnery@v...>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 13:21:39 +0100
Subject: Re: The GZG Digest V2 #36

> Some comments onother ships (My opinions as a sci fi viewer only) (Now
> to demonstrate exactly how much of  a TV SF geek I am):


> I'm not sure what kind of Eagle that is, but it wasn't the series
> which was much more poorly armed. (I'd say one forward class 2 (or
> forward only) and one PDS ).

Eagle wasn't a dedicated warship, in one episode it had military Earth
vessels (or illusions of them) called Hawks, and a heavy bomber.

> Galactica has MT Missiles, alot more armor, and probably more PDS and
> class 1's. Probably not quite _that_ many fighters.

I caught the episode "The Hand of God" yesterday, where Galactica took
on a
Cylon base star. From the episode the Galactica has no missile armament,
large number of PDAF/ class-3's, and several much larger forward guns.
Galactica carries 2 squadrons (Red and Blue), with a 3rd Squadron
taken on in later episodes from the Battlestar Pegasus. The squadrons
to be standard USN 12 ship squadrons, so Galactica would have 4 fighter
squadrons, increased to 6 in later episodes (which caused problems as it
more fighters than she was designed to carry).

> Her defense screen was salvaged from another ship, right?
> It's not always 100% effective; the only time I can remember it being
> used, it had a bad reaction with the attacking weapon and everyone
> swapped minds.

>From the Peacekeeper CV Delphinium, it is only half the Dephinium
and thus only covers 50% of Moya (although a shifting 50%, in game terms
of all shots would be blocked).

> There is no evidence in the series for the Red Dwarf being armed, but
> think you got the number of hull boxes right :-)

Nope, Red Dwarf is a Jupiter Mining Corp Deep Space Miner, and was
One of the Star Bugs was armed by the Simulants in series 6, but that's

Bryn the Trainspotter

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