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Re: FB2 Fleets (or "How I Learned to Hate the Savasku")

From: agoodall@c...
Date: 25 Jul 2000 07:05:08 -0700
Subject: Re: FB2 Fleets (or "How I Learned to Hate the Savasku")

On Mon, 24 July 2000, Beth Fulton wrote:

> 2) I'd keep the advanced drives (it fits their overall flexibility and

> doesn't mean all the FB2 SSDs would be out of date).

I agree with this.

> 3) I wouldn't go for enforced screens either, no other race is forced
> have screens at high masses so the SV shouldn't either (they're 
> bio-constructs so the designers are going to have figured out how to
> around that one anyway).

Same here. I don't like rules that enforce something this arbitrary. 

> 4) I do find putting spicules into the D pool and pods into the R pool
> very neat way of trimming the A pool monsters (when given the choice I

> always opt for that house rule now), but I guess that only works when 
> you're in a PB/fighter intensive playing field (like ours) - and yes
> Phalons have been able to hit the SV, though they have also been known
> hit themselves ;)

One comment about this: I have NO problem with the SV being unbalanced
unless fighters are used. Seriously. If the SV ships hammer any
non-fighter equiped fleet, I have no problems with that whatsoever. 

First off, the point values, as in any game, are to give you an idea of
a ship's overall value. Maybe it's my playing of SG2 so much, but I
rarely play "meeting engagements" anyway. I much prefer having
scenarios. So I have no problems with saying, "Gee, that FSE fleet
doesn't have any fighters. Guess the scenario will call for X fewer SV
or Y more FSE ships to balance things."

Sure, I want the points to be roughly even between ships, but I have no
qualms about saying fighters or salvo missiles are needed to balance the
SV. Let's face it, an FSE carrier is worth far more than its points if
it's up against a NAC fleet with little PDS. 

> 5) We've decided to keep the 'strike the colours' rule for them, but
> as a morale based thing - you really want to leave before you lose so
> PG you can't FTL anymore.

I've always liked the "strike the colours" rule. My scenarios usually
run along the lines of, "if X number of ships are destroyed/heavily
damaged, the fleet gets out of there!". Makes for a more interesting
scenario when you have to manage your resources. It also gets around the
tendency to waste smaller escort ships.

I think for the SV, it may be an even bigger deal. Do these ships
actually think? Feel pain? How hard are they to construct? Losing them
may be a huge deal.

> 6) While I'd like to keep the range brackets at 6" or 12" (easier to 
> remember that way) I guess I can manage to remember 8" ;)

I like the fact that FT (and the other GZG games for that matter) keept
things consistent. I'd prefer 6" to 8" for that reason. If I couldn't go
6, I'd be more tempted to try 9", as it's half way between 6 and 12.
Just a personal preference.

> 7) I wouldn't put an arbitrary cap on the number of power points you
> put through a stinger


> 8) If re-costing the shots is absolutely necessary to getting a better

> perceived balance then OK, but I'd probably prefer seeing if one of
> other options worked first.

Agree again. *L*

I'm going to suggest one other thing, too... Let's assume, for a moment,
that the FB1 ships are really at a disadvantage to the SV. That's not
surprising, though, if the FB1 races had never encountered anyone LIKE
the SV.

So, the question is: are FB1 systems overpriced compared to SV ships, or
are SV systems underpriced, or is it just the ship designs currently in
the books that are "off kilter"?

I'm guessing it's a bit of both, but I'm wondering if it's possible to
build SV killers. Maybe a fleet of ships heavy on Salvo Missiles and

Hmmm... Looks like I might have to play a bit...
> So like I said they need a nudge (and not with a sledge hammer), it
> take us quite a few games to get them sorted and they still don't
> games that pan out like our more usual games - much more cat and
> but given Mikko's earlier comments on that topic I'm guessing that's
not up 
> everyone's alley ;)

Allan Goodall -
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