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Re: [OT -ish] Sound In Space

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t... (K.H.Ranitzsch)
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 17:52:13 +0200
Subject: Re: [OT -ish] Sound In Space

> When I heard about this, I thought it would make an interesting filler
science fiction novels. Movies have, for a long
> time, added sound in space just to make it more interesting.

Since the first 'Talkie' SF movie, probably.

> Now it appears there could be a scientific reason for it. The Death
may explode with a thunderous roar, but the roar > is more likely to be
sharp crack,

Not necessarily,
a) there may be multiple explosions/electromagnetic pulses coming out of
disintegrating vessel
b) the receiving structure may resonate and give off prolonged sounds.

> and more than likely to come from Luke's crash helmet and visor than
Death Star itself.

A different PSB could be that, for psychological reasons, the watching
ship's computer system produces 'bangs' whenever a nearby explosion is
detected. - Like the acoustic missile warning systems in modern

Karl Heinz

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