Prev: RE: Sa'Vasku Lance Pod Effectiveness Next: [OT] Futurist FM-2030 is stored in liquid nitrogen after death at 69

Re: Sa'Vasku Lance Pod Effectiveness

From: Brian Bell <bkb@b...>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 20:29:28 -0400
Subject: Re: Sa'Vasku Lance Pod Effectiveness

At 20:37 2000-07-10 +0200, you wrote:
>Um? Brian, re-read the K-gun rules. The K1 has a base damage of *1*,
>not 1d6.
>Oerjan Ohlson

Sorry Oerjan and list.
I have been FAR too distracted.

To Do List:
1. Fix Lurker Mode Drive
2. Install saftey switch on comment buttton. Saftey switch should engage

brain and do a manditory reexamination of rules before disingaging.

Thanks (again) for catching my mistake, Oerjan. :-)

Brian Bell
ICQ: 12848051
AIM: Rlyehable

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