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[FT] Star Ranger's Stuff Updates

From: "Dean Gundberg" <dean.gundberg@n...>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 13:54:05 -0500
Subject: [FT] Star Ranger's Stuff Updates

The list is a bit slow so I'll announce some updates to my Star Ranger's
Stuff page (

I've completed the conversions of Starfleet Wars minis to Fleet Book
5 different powers with interesting minis and now with FB stats that

I'm painting up a fleet of Altaran minis from Kallistra's Space
3000 line, so I needed some stats.  They way these minis look, I made
Altarn's a seldom encountered clan of the Kra'Vak whose ships use a
different design philosophy than the rest of the KV.  The Altaran minis
one main gun and a few smaller guns all facing forward.  So I gave them
single main K-gun plus smaller ones including 2-arc class 2 K-guns.

All of these ships have already been reviewed by Oerjan ;)

Future updates will include pictures of the finished Altaran minis and
FSE fleet I'm painting. Also I'll put up control sheets for this year's
Sci-Fi Crossover game I'm running at GenCon in August.	New this year
are a
Star Blazers fleet (stats are already up), a couple Star Wars Rebel
and a Super Star Destroyer (Mass 1400 in 7 mass 200 sections, 4538
plus fighters).

Dean Gundberg

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