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Re: Lousy Combat Sci-Fi Novels [CLEAN STAMP]

From: Tom Anderson <thomas.anderson@u...>
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 15:18:57 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: Lousy Combat Sci-Fi Novels [CLEAN STAMP]

On Mon, 26 Jun 2000 wrote:

> ***
> I just tried to re-read a few combat sci-fi novels last month by David
> Drake and Jerry Pournelle, and I found them to be so insipid & dull
that I
> just couldn't finish them.
> ***
> Well, I've already taken flame for disliking their handling of
> characterizations and plot, but on this list, I'm assuming combat
> descriptions are more important. Having not finished a single HS, I
> say the combat was at least intriguing, though usually a bit deus ex
> machina.

the problem with HS (at least, the first book - i understand that at
one later book is different) is that it's a fight between the high-tech,
organised, well-led Hammer's Slammers and the fairly tatty locals. now,
this is part of the point of the book, and stems from Drake's experience
in Vietnam, but i didn't find it made for very good action. ymmv.

> In comparison, did you enjoy the Dorsai series?

i really must get round to reading one of those.

ooh! ooh! the SF society library just got given a copy of 'Voice of the
Whirlwind'! i loved 'hardwired', and then my local library got rid of
so i've got it out for the vacation. is VotW as good?


Prev: RE: Kra' Vak & Phalon Color Scheme Next: Good Combat reads. Was: Lousy Combat Sci-Fi