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Re: Babylon 5 Wars Fleet Action review

From: "Roger Gerrish" <roger.gerrish@l...>
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 18:06:23 +0100
Subject: Re: Babylon 5 Wars Fleet Action review

----- Original Message -----
From: Ground Zero Games <>
To: <gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: Babylon 5 Wars Fleet Action review

> >--- "Tom.McCarthy" <> wrote:
> >> So, I was a little quick to pick on Mike Llaneza and Matt Seidl. 
> >> happen to be mentioned as playtesters, and they're both players who
> >> seen as active on this group and others for many years.  Of course
> >> not responsible for the problems I identified, but I thought they
> >> seen some of the material that the author was obviously thinking
> >> obviously didn't write down.
> >
> >
> >Mentioned as playtesters.... in the rulebook ?
> >
> Yep! You, Matt and Roger Gerrish (with his name spelt wrong!) were the
> names in the B5FA playtest credits that I recognised.

I know this is a late comment to this thread, I'm in the midst of a move
from Nottingham to Portsmouth.
I'm incredibly surprised I recieved a playtest mention, I arrived on the
scene late and duly downloaded the playtest rules.
My only contribution was I think  two unanswered requests for rules
At that point some testers where questioning fundemental games mechanics
issues, yet the game was being advertised and pushed into production.
doubt AOG were under some pressure to deliver so I sympathise with
but in no way could I visualise FA to be in any form to publish.

I have to say when I first read the draft (I have not seen the final
version...probably won't bother after reading the 'rave' reviews)
I couldn't believe how clunky the system was. I sat down with some
to try and play through a simple scenario,
What seemed like 100s of die rolls later I realized I might just as well
have been playing B5Ws convoluted mechanics. No thanks thought I, it
that  Full Thrust/EFSB will remain the only 'playable' game representing
B5 Universe.

Like other testers I have also been involved in other projects, FB1 and
recently Battlefleet Gothic and in both cases (despite oppinions on the
Empire) the playtesting was thorough and involved and there was
that the games/updates worked and would produce a playable game.
However after my brief experience with FA I am not surprised that the
product may have problems.

Its a shame really, I loved the B5 universe and did like some of the
Background things AOG produced to support B5W. I genuinly hoped that the
ruleset would be a game to do justice to the TV series.  I hope they
some lessons from this. Maybe its the curse of owning the licence.

Regards.....................And hello to Indy

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