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Re: "Custom" fleets

From: stiltman@t...
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 14:36:15 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: "Custom" fleets

> wrote:
> >>Forget that. Keep all the PDS, replace One or two of the Beam-6's
> >>with Novas. Nova until the Reflex Field thresholds away, then
> >>Nova+Beam until the planet falls. Wonderful, Laserlight.
> >This is cinematic movement, remember.  You're not going to fire the
> >nova cannon at me at the same time as you're keeping away from me. 
> No, but he is firing it from up to 72mu away, at a target with
> thrust-1. It is rather trivial to stay away from the dreadstar :-/

Well, yes, but he _does_ have to fire the thing while he's pointed at
If I'm approaching him at a zigzag, he's got to turn towards me, hope
not approaching me, then be able to turn back around and thrust.  If I
thrust continuously at him sooner or later he's either going to go off
board or he's no longer going to be able to fire the thing at me.

And if all else fails, I'll just head for the nearest planet he wants to
keep.  32 dice of plasma bolts might just shatter a planet's crust. ;)

> >> As a side note:
> >> | Laserlight:
> >> | >> On the other hand, I've seen you suggest with a straight face
> >> | >>  that "space has an edge".
> >> |
> >> | Stilt:
> >> | > Hey, dude, watch your tone here.  We're all friends here... >>
> |>supposedly.

> >>| Me:
> >>Laser's tone seems pretty identical to that of your barb at Oerjan
> and >>me. I took both in the same lighthearted spirit. I hope I did
> err.
> >I wasn't barbing at you, I merely observed that you'd both suggested
> >various forms of keepaway tactics.  He was suggesting that he has a
> >house rule that all his ships get back a full row of hull boxes
> I did? Or who did? I must've missed that <shrug>

Laserlight did, in the message to me immediately previous to the one I
actually answered, as a somewhat uncalled-for mockery of my own house

> >>'Course as Oerjan said, the initial excercise (killing the
> dreadplanet)
> >>could be accomplished by a single Kormarov and other standard FB1
> >>ships.
> >The Komarov has to point its front end at the dreadplanet to fire
> Class >4 beams.
> Only if it wants to fire both of them at the same time. If it is
> satisfied with one die per turn, it can have the dreadstar almost
> straight abeam and still snipe at it... OK, it'll move a few fractions
> of an mu closer each turn, but that's it :-/ But, as I said before -
> with your fighter house rules, it has to be *extremely* lucky to
> survive the fighters. With the MT fighter rules it's merely a very
> tough fight, but still one the ESU can win.

Perhaps.  You've sold me enough that I think I'm going to make the
class-4 trade in my tinkerings.  ;)
 The Stilt Man
   < We are Microsoft Borg '98.  Lower your expectations and	>
   < surrender your money.  Antitrust law is irrelevant.	>
   < Competition is irrelevant.  We will add your financial and >
   < technological distinctiveness to our own.	Your software	>
   < will adapt to service ours.  Resistance is futile. 	>

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