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Origins awards

From: Matthew Seidl <seidl@v...>
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 11:13:09 -0600
Subject: Origins awards

Since I haven't seen a message about this on here yet, I thought I'd
send something.  If I missed one, oops.  I'll smack my hand later. :)

Watch your headers on followups, as this is going to more than one list.

	-=- Matthew L. Seidl

------- Forwarded Message

Date:	 Fri, 09 Jun 2000 13:02:43 -0400
To:	 "'babylon5'" <babylon5-wars@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject: [B5W] FW: SJ Games Daily Illuminator for 6/9/2000


The Origins awards are open to the public.  A0G is up for two awards -
the 2nd edition and for either the B5 station or the White Star.

Lets stuff the ballot boxes.

- -----Original Message-----
From: Steve Jackson Games [] 
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 12:00 AM
Subject: SJ Games Daily Illuminator for 6/9/2000

SJ Games News: Online Voting For Origins Awards

   Our congratulations to the Origins Awards committee, which this year
   has placed the Origins final ballot online - go here to vote!

   Everyone can vote, and we hope you do . . .

      *A big vote this year, with lots of online voting, will show that
       the online ballot is worth the extra effort made by the

     * A big vote is more likely to end up honoring the "right" games -
       which after all is the whole point.

     * We do have four nominees this year. But I'm not going to repeat
       names. If you liked them enough to support 'em, you liked them
       to read through the list of other excellent nominees.

    So vote!
   -- Steve Jackson

Related Links:


------- End of Forwarded Message

-=- Matthew L. Seidl		email:		
=-= Graduate Student			Project . . . What Project?	
-=- 	 -Morrow Quotes 

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