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Re: "Custom" fleets

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2000 15:42:55 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: "Custom" fleets

On  7-Jun-00 at 15:32, (
> > Stiltman,
> > What's your brother-in-law's E-mail? I've got a fleet for him.
> Uhhhh...  ;)
> Actually, if you had a suggestion I seriously wouldn't mind seeing it
> if it seems like it'd be interesting, letting my wife play it a few
> against me.

You seem pretty sure of your ability to defeat you b-i-l, why don't
you see if your designs hold up against designs from the rest of the

Many of your percieved problems could well be that your opponent(s)
have a blind spot with respect to your ships.  I have yet to find
that FT is anything other than rock-paper-scissors.  Any "super" design
one person can make can be defeated by another.

Heck, as far as the campaign goes try an even simpler one.  Both sides
start with 5K points.  After every combat each side gets an additional
500 points to buy ships, fighters, missiles and possibly even repairs.
(We have dropped to repairs cost the initial cost of the system).
It tends to throw a different light on the game.


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