Re: [FT] FB2 Errata
From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2000 18:12:21 +0200
Subject: Re: [FT] FB2 Errata
Bell, Brian K wrote:
>A pseudo-errata for Fleet Book 2:
>Sa'Vasku Stingers. Most of us have read More Thrust and expect the
>Stingers of the FB Sa'Vasku to do more damage as you add power to it
>(like the Energy Pulse did for the MT Sa'Vasku). However, this is
>implied, but not spelled out in FB2.
>Implied statements:
> "The Stinger Node is the Sa'Vasku equivalent of a standard FT
weapon, except that its output is variable according to how much >power
is allocated to each shot"
> "Example 1: A Sa'Vasku ship has 6 PP available for a stinger
if it was to engage a target within 12 mu, it would get to roll 6 dice;
>at up to 24 mu, 3 dice; and up to 36 mu 1 die only"
>But, excluding the examples, it only addresses the power cost of range
>for a 1 die shot. It does not address the power cost for increasing
>damage at a given range.
It gives you the power cost of each separate die at each range. The
cost of firing 2 dice at a given range is 2x the cost of firing 1 die
at that range; the cost of firing 3 dice at a given range is 3x the
cost of firing 1 die at that range, etc.
Oerjan Ohlson
"Life is like a sewer.
What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry