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Re: Sa'Vasku starbases

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 14:50:50 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Sa'Vasku starbases

On  6-Jun-00 at 14:48, Davis, Jonathan E (CRD) (
> I'm a little curious as to what the Sa'Vasku would use
> a starbase for.  Could it be a "health" station where 
> biomass could be regrown and transferred to ailing ships?
> Could it be used for establishing a protected volume 
> of space for defensive purposes?
> Any other insights?
> Jon

I would have at least one around any major world (since they are
useful).  If the combat makes it to the world it is nasty in
and of itself.	If the combat doesn't make it to the world the
fighters it launches can be used for attacks of the enemy and
repair of your capital beasts.	Not in the rules, but I think
I would station a half dozen or so young (scout sized) bioships
with it just for feel.


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