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RE: FB2... hmmmm...

From: "Bell, Brian K" <Brian_Bell@d...>
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 09:35:38 -0400
Subject: RE: FB2... hmmmm...

Right! The paragraph is ambiguous. My reading was that it was just like
use of FCS for Salvo Missiles. Your reading was that they were needed 1
Plasma Bolt.

If used in the same manner as SML/SMR, having multiple small PBLs is
actually more effective than having a large PBL. This is due to the fact
that rerolls have no additional effect on Class-1 PBs, but do on Class-2

If used as you stated, then Large PBLs are the way to go. Using this
even 2 PBLs aimed at the exact same point would require 2 FCS' to fire
This, however, leaves them weaker as all ships within 6tu of the BP may
direct PDS fire at it. This makes them rather usless unless you happen
catch a small ship out by itself with a large PBL. Example: You have a
Class-5 PBL (rather large). You fire it at where you think a group of
cruisers will be. You guess right 3 CLs end up within 6tu of your PB
Each CL has 2 PDS (we will ignore the Class-1s for the moment). Each PDS
will reduce the PB by an average of .66 (not counting re-rolls [4 damage
of 6 rolls]). So on average the PB will do no damage. Now add in the
of ADFCs and Class-1 Beams, Screens and the fact that it can only fire
other turn. And this weapon has a mass of 25?!?
At first glance, I was glad to see an official area effect weapon.
on looking at it closer, the advantage of being an area effect weapon is
negated (IMHO) by the fact that multiple ships can degrade the weapon.

The best comparison would be to the SML:
Class 5 PBL vs SML with 12 Std Salvos

PBL advanteges over SML:
Potential for more shots (takes 26 turns)
Less Threshold check loss (1 symbol to check instead of 2)
No roll for lockon
Potential to effect more than one ship
Bonzai Jammes ineffective (unless carry PDS)

PBL disadvantages to SML:
Can be targeted by multiple PDS without ADFC
Can fire only every other turn
Less overall damage potential per shot (1:6)
Must have 1 FCS per BPL?
Bonzai Jammers more effective (if carry PDS)
Effeced by Screens

Or perhaps the best comparison would be to the same mass in SMR(ER)s:
Class-5 vs 5x SMR(ER)

PBL advanteges over 5x SMR(ER)s:
Potential for more shots (takes 12 turns)
Less Threshold check loss (1 symbol to check instead of 5)
No roll for lockon
Potential to effect more than one ship
Bonzai Jammers not effective (unless they carry PDS)

PBL disadvantages to 5x SMR(ER)s:
Can be targeted by multiple PDS without ADFC
Can fire only every other turn
Bonzai Jammers more effective (if they carry PDS)
Must have 1 FCS per BPL?
Less potential damage per shot (5:6)
Less range.
May not discharge all damage in one turn.
Effected by screens

Brian Bell	 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Allan Goodall []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 12:52 AM
> To:	gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject:	Re: FB2... hmmmm...
> On Mon, 5 Jun 2000 07:01:19 -0400 , "Bell, Brian K"
> <>
> wrote:
> >FT2 p.36 "Note tha an operational fire-control system is required in
> order
> >for a Phalon ship to launch a plasma bolt, but the same fire-control
> >also be used for anti-ship pulser fire in the main fire phase."
> This is apparently the proper interpretation. However, there is some
> question,
> then, if it's worth buying one big PBL instead of a bunch of small
> bunch of small PBLs have the advantage of being able to spread out,
> harder
> to eliminate with one bad threshold check, and are much more flexible
> terms
> of targeting and firing in alternate turns. The disadvantage is that
> can
> be degraded much more easily through threshold checks, and it takes
> repair rolls to get them back online. 
> The question is: do the advantages equal or exceed the disadvantages?
> possible that they might. On the playtest list there was a small
amount of
> discussion that the wording of that one paragraph you quote could mean
> DO
> need a separate Firecon per PBL (even if that Firecon is used for
> purposes). This makes small PBLs less efficient and might just balance
> large PBLs versus the small PBLs better.
> Allan Goodall
> Goodall's Grotto:
> "Surprisingly, when you throw two naked women with sex
> toys into a living room full of drunken men, things 
> always go bad." - Kyle Baker, "You Are Here"

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