Pre-measuring, house rules, et all
From: -MWS- <mshurtleff1@u...>
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 09:39:35 -0700
Subject: Pre-measuring, house rules, et all
Hiya folks!
This whole pre-measuring debate has been fun, but I haven't heard *any*
compromise positions that would accomodate both sides, so the
about it being a Religious Issue are fairly spot on. If the actual rules
don't specify whether or not you can pre-measure ranges or movement,
House Rules apply. Just be damned sure that everyone who plays at your
table knows them beforehand. <g>
In our FT group (we play Cinematic movement), we allow a player to
their own weapons' range bands, but not any opponent's. Movement
pre-measuring is not allowed. This allows a player to make *rational*
decisions on allocating weapons fire, but prevents the game from bogging
I have noticed that the pre-measurement debate is more heated when it
to ground combat with units. That is where the Trying To Stay
0.0000000000001" Out Of Range effect seems to hold sway the most - in
such as DBM or the like. What I have noticed is that the type of player
who tries to micromanage his unit locations to that extent is going to
the game down unreasonably so no matter what, whether pre-measuring is
allowed or not. The best play there is to implement a turn timer.
Mark W Shurtleff
aka "Togashi Gaijin" on the Clan War ML
aka "Hauptman" on the GZG and Heavy Gear ML
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