[FT]: re: RE: HBW and Cutter Beam
From: "David Reeves" <davidar@n...>
Date: 30 May 2000 14:26:08 -0500
Subject: [FT]: re: RE: HBW and Cutter Beam
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 09:58:53 -0400
From: "Bell, Brian K"
I can't remember if there was any conclusions either (and I can never
fin= d the archives). Since FB2 came out, my biggest objection to the
Heavy Beam Weapon (HBW), that of an auto-hit at close range, has been
overridden. The K-Guns use t= his mechanic. :-/
for my FT B5 universe, i use a differing HBW concept which springs
from Schoon's Beam Capacitor System/Beam Emitter. to quickly
summarize, the BCS generates energy points and the BE can shoot upto
its rating in these energy points. so a BE-3 may shoot 1-3 energy at
any one time. this is like schoon's system. the main two differences
that i introduced are:
a) each energy point translates into 3 FT dice for hit/damage by young
races and 5 FT dice for first ones. this takes care of the auto-hit
problem and keeps the game consistent.
b) my house rules do not allow the 1/3 BCS capacity recharge/turn
since that would allow BE to fire low-powered shots every turn given a
sufficient sized BCS. this was getting munchkinized in our group, so
now energy point recharge is:
1 EP/turn - younger races
2 EP/turn - minbari, drakh
3 EP/turn - first ones
so no matter how big the BCS capacity is, the recharge rate is the
same. mass and cost are about 3X higher than the equivalent FT beam;
the advantage for HBW is that they dish it out all at once. YMMV for
your universe.