Re: Ship Sales II
From: "Robert W. Eldridge" <bob_eldridge@m...>
Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 20:27:14 -0400
Subject: Re: Ship Sales II
You've omitted the PAU, whom I would suggest has some self-design
capability, but mostly purchases from the FSE, NAC, and ESU. The PAU
documented in FB1 as purchasing from the ESU and FSE, and the Kinshasa
indicates that they must also purchase some ships from the NAC. Also,
according to some of the background in SGII, the IF is hostile toward
NAC AND the ESU, and so should purchase from the FSE only, IMHO.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <>
To: gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU <gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
Date: Monday, May 29, 2000 2:06 PM
Subject: Ship Sales II
>OK, I've integrated the comments of the last few days to produce a new
>improved listing...
>New Anglian Confederation (NAC) - Self-Design
>Eurasian Solar Union (ESU) - Self-Design
>United Nations (UN) - Self-Design & Purchase (Assorted Suppliers)
>Major Powers:
>New Swabian League (NSL) - Self-Design
>Federal States Europa (FSE) - Self-Design
>Minor Powers:
>New Israel (NI) - Self-Design & Purchase (Assorted Suppliers)
>Islamic Federation (IF) - Self-Design & Purchase (ESU, FSE)
>League of Latin American Republics (LLAR) - Purchase (ESU, FSE)
>Romanov Hegemony (RH) - Self Design & Purchase (NAC, NSL)
>Free Cal-Tex (FCT) - Produces NAC Designs
>Oceanic Union (OU) - Self-Design & Purchase (Assorted Suppliers)
>Indonesian Commonwealth (IC) - Self-Design & Purchase (??)
>Scandinavian Federation (SF) - Self-Design (Let's just say that I have
>inside info on this one)
>Saeed Khalifate (SK) - Produces IF Designs
>Japan - Self Design & Produces NAC Designs
>Holland - Self Design & Purchase (NSL)
>Switzerland - Self-Design & Purchase (NSL)