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Re: [FT] Missing ships

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 20:48:59 -0400
Subject: Re: [FT] Missing ships

>I'd say that the question is not EXACTLY who bought what, but
who generally
>buys from whom.
You know, if you're going to keep saying what I'm thinking, I'll
just shut up and let you do all the typing.

>Islamic Federation (IF) - Self-Design
Some, but also some FSE (because they look good.  And also
someone has to build the FTL drives).

>League of Latin American Republics (LLAR) - Purchase (ESU &
Of course.

>Romanov Hegemony (RH) - Produces ESU Designs
>Saeed Khalifate (SK) - Produces IF Designs
Both of these look improbable--the client in each doesn't get
along with the vendor, unless I've missed something.

>Oceanic Union (OU) - Self-Design & Purchase (Assorted
Or sometimes "astonished suppliers".  Whatever did happen to
that NSL capital ship, eh?

>Indonesian Commonwealth (IC) - Self-Design

For small ships, but buys from someone else also?

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