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From: KH.Ranitzsch@t... (Karl Heinz Ranitzsch)
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 22:37:07 +0200
Subject: ThyssenKrupp

> >other options would be to create corporate groups (we currently
> only have
> >Texaco, ITTT and the VRC as real corporate powers)

> How about ThyssenKrupp Raumsmarine IG (or AG, I don't recall
> which would be more appropriate and my German is very shaky
> anyway)?

Raummarine (no 's') = space navy. Do you mean Thyssen Krupp to have its
space navy ?
For a merchant shipping co. (perhaps with armed vessels)
'Raumschiffreederei' would be better
For a shipyard: Raumwerft (Space shipyard) or Weltraumwerke (Space

AG = Aktiengesellschaft (joint stock company) would be more appropriate.
IG = Industriegesellschaft (Industrial co.) is rarely used. The pre-WW2
Farben ist the only prominent example.

> They'd build warships (which Thyssen does now) and
> powered armor, among other things.  Thyssen certainly qualifies
> as a megacorp.

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