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Re: Tactics manual?

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 08:14:54 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Tactics manual?

On 26-May-00 at 00:23, Allan Goodall ( wrote:
> On Wed, 24 May 2000 08:48:58 +0300 (EEST), Mikko Kurki-Suonio
> <> wrote:
> >Thus you'd end up either with countless permutations of over-specific
> >tactics, or some over-general wishy-washy handwaving...
> I think, though, that general advice for new players would be helpful.
> Things like what speed ratings work best under general circumstances,
> going after the small ships first, how to effectively place salvo
> that sort of thing. Nothing too specific, but just general advice that
a new
> player can build on. The sort of stuff that takes half a dozen games
> figure out.  
> Otherwise you're right, the tactics will be determined by the

Such things as "When facing FSE fleets keep _all_ your ADFC ships within
6 MU of your entire fleet."

Seems obvious, however, in the last PBeM game I played my newbie
split his fleet.  He will never do that again. :)

Of course, I suckered him into doing it.


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