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Re: (FB) More Ship Designs available

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 07:06:57 +0200
Subject: Re: (FB) More Ship Designs available

Robert W. Hofrichter wrote:

>Dagnabit--I thought I had posted the up-to-date bitmap.  Evidently, I
>used the wrong one for the Indonesians.
>And yes, I know about umluats (but since I didn't use them elsewhere
in >my page, I figured I shouldn't start on the ships either).

I see.
>As for Morganstern versus Morgenstern, I picked the spelling up out of
>an old reprint of a Victorian-era weapons' book. 

A *British* Victorian-era weapons' book, I take it <g>

>I will update to the "E" spelling of course.

>Regarding the other design snafus, I'll correct these hopefully by the
>end of the week.
>As for the Kra'Vak launcher comments--I meant VERY confined, but
>since most of the GZG	figures that have missile launchers show an
>exhaust port on the back end, I'm not sure how accurate your
>assumption is that most if not all human launchers would have this
>capability also.

Quite accurate <g> All of today's CS-capable LAWs (in the "fire from
office cubicle"-sense) - eg. AT4CS, Armbrust, Javelin, just to name a
few (OK, Javelin is more of an ATGM than a LAW, but it's man-portable
and claims CS capability) - have visible rear exhaust ports, but their
back blasts aren't strong enough to harm the shooter. He'll need
earplugs and ear baffles with most of these weapons in order to avoid
ringing ears, but that's true for today's assault rifles as well :-/.

>Additionally, I don't see folks developing more specialised rounds--I
>think the trend would be toward very generalized sords of
ammo-->especially given the possible supply line problems that
interstellar >warfare would probably create.

I do see folks developing more specialised rounds because each type of
target gets progressively harder and harder to kill which makes a
"combined" round progressively less effective compared to the
specialised ones. However, if they do use a "one type fits all
situations" round exclusively, it will definitely be CS-capable.

Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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