Re: Campaign costs
From: Donald Hosford <Hosford.Donald@A...>
Date: Sun, 21 May 2000 00:42:33 -0400
Subject: Re: Campaign costs
So a "Competetive point system" is taking into account all the "hidden"
costs of a unit?
It does sound like a nightmare...
Donald Hosford
Nyrath the nearly wise wrote:
> Donald Hosford wrote:
> > "Competetive point system"?
> >
> > Could you discribe what this means?
> >
> > In my limited/simple understanding, points are used to buy the ships
I use to
> > try to bash my opponent's ships with.
> I'm not sure if I understand myself, but I'll take
> a stab at making a total fool of myself.
> There is an old adage, to the effect that novice generals
> talk about tactics, while veteran generals talk about
> logistics.
> This reflects the fact that making the battle plan for
> the upcoming conflict is childs play compared to
> support planning.
> Trying to be sure that your ships have enough food,
> water, air, fuel, ordinance, spare parts, medical
> supplies, and toilet paper is a nightmare.
> Wet navy fleets are more than half support ships
> compaired to combat ships. Fleet oilers, repair ships,
> provision ships, and the entire supply chain.
> Makers of interstellar combat simulations frequently
> feel obligated to address this fact of life.