Re: [FT]: alien movement WAS Re: [FT] Battle report and questions
From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 21:35:38 +0200
Subject: Re: [FT]: alien movement WAS Re: [FT] Battle report and questions
David Reeves wrote:
>> >It was my first use of Kra'Vak, and we both thought prior to the
>> battle >that the Kra'Vak would win. A change of tactics next time i
>> think.
>> The Kra'Vak are tricky to fly, yes. During the playtesting this came
>> on several occasions: the standard "first impression" was that the
>> were too weak, but once the players got the hang of them they got a
>>lot more powerful.
> oerjan,
> for movement are you referring to cinematic, vector or both?
>btw, what is your opinion how well the alien races perform in
>versus vector? any significant diff?
The main differences between Cinematic and Vector, regardless of what
tech you use, is that you have a much better idea of where the enemy
will end up in Vector than you do in Cinematic. This favours single-arc
weapons more than any other weapons, which makes the Kra'Vak rather
more powerful in Vector.
Knowing where your enemy will end up also favours template weapons like
SMs or PBLs if you don't reduce their template sizes. With the FB2
vector rules, I'd strongly recommend using a 3" radius for both SMs and
PBs; otherwise the Phalons in particular become very powerful. Apart
from that, neither Phalons nor Sa'Vasku seem to perform radically
different in the two movement systems.
Oerjan Ohlson
"Life is like a sewer.
What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry