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Re: [FT] Fleet Survey #1: Fleet Ownership

From: sportyspam@h...
Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 14:50:50 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [FT] Fleet Survey #1: Fleet Ownership

On Fri, 19 May 2000, Tom Granvold wrote:

> Allan Goodall <> wrote:
> > So, here's the survey: what official fleets do you have? Now that
the Fleet
> > Book 2 is out, what official fleets are you looking at purchasing?
>    I've got a small NSL fleet.  I'm considering buying a ESU fleet,
> I like the looks, and a Kra'Vak fleet.  I'm definitaly going to buy
> a UN fleet, got to have the big Deepspace Explorer.  Most of my
> consideration on what fleet to buy is looks.

  Mine as well, and I unfortunatly don't like the look of any of GZG
ships.	I use a selection of Silent Death, Jovian Chronicles,
Traveller, Star Wars, Star Trek and the like.  These also have the added
bonus of being smaller, which is good since I find the GZG ships tend to
be much too large for my taste/storage.  Some might wonder at romulan
warbirds and imperial star destroyers facing off against beta forts and
ships that to the untrained eye would appear to be cargo ships with
oddly painted exhaust ports but are in fact vicious missle frigats!  But
their confusion just opens them up for ever more intricate 'fiendish
plans'(tm).  Mwahahaha!
  Plus it just looks cool.  ;)

Prev: Re: [FT] Fleet Survey #1: Fleet Ownership Next: RE: [OT] Suggested Sci-Fi [CLEAN STAMP]