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RE: [FT] Fleet Survey #1: Fleet Ownership

From: Mikko Kurki-Suonio <maxxon@d...>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 09:58:13 +0300 (EEST)
Subject: RE: [FT] Fleet Survey #1: Fleet Ownership

Well, first of all, I bought and like FT *because* it's a
"use-your-own-minis" game.

However, this does not stop me from appreciating the official minis on
same basis I appreciate anyone else's minis, i.e. looks and pricing.

Thus I have bought small task forces of some fleets and odds and ends of
others -- but the decision has been based purely on aesthetics and
economics. I couldn't care less about their "official" stats or the
"nation" they're supposed to represent.

NAC (painted sickly green with red noses)
K'V (orangy, I tried for a flame effect but it didn't work out)
NSL (under construction -- btw: has anyone else noticed that if you
     hook together two of the escorts (504+505 I think) and turn them
     sideways, you get something pretty close to the "horseshoe" ship
     from the original Alien movie?)
FSE (bit light on the escort side since I dislike the smaller designs,
     however, I plan to paint them together with my Kallistra Earth
     I think they fit well together)
Phalons (anything Manabe-ish, yea! I just wish someone did

Bits & pieces:
IF (please, more of these)
OU (could just turn some NSL ships sideways...)
UN (looking forward to seeing more of the range)
ESU (I like the big ones, but not the really anything below BC)

Hmmm... looks like S'V is the only range I do *not* have something
from. Not my cup of tea, I guess. Been planning on using my Silent Death
NightBrood (old style) for bioships.

In addition I have tons of old SD painted and new SD on the assembly
old GW SpaceFleet (from discount bin), a couple of BattleFleet Gothic
escorts (discount...), plastic StarTrek, plastic Gundam (ships!), a
of scratch-builts/conversions, a couple of Kallistra fleet packs, a few
StarBlazers (nice, but overpriced even with the current 20% off) and
probably some random bits I don't remember where I got them ;-) Oh, and
those Irregular's "Heirs of Manacus" retro-ships, really nice "Flash
Gordon" -style.

-- (Mikko Kurki-Suonio) 	  | A pig who doesn't
GSM +358 50 5596411 Tel +358 9 8092681		  | is just an ordinary
Länsimetsä 3B1 02300 ESPOO FINLAND   Hate me? Try |	      - Porco
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