Re: Sa'Vasku Colours
From: Charles Morgan <cmorgan@s...>
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 10:46:55 -0400
Subject: Re: Sa'Vasku Colours
I did two fleets--my own was a reddish cast with yellow drybrushing
until the
detail was well-picked, then inked in pits and grooves. The tendrils
shaded red, becoming darker towards the tips. Some of the Sa' Vasku have
which I painted a glossy black and then put in veins in red, then
painted gloss
again. The other fleet is being done for hire, so I followed a similar
but painted them a grey-blue, dry-brushed light blue, with the body
washed in
Citadel flesh wash; again the pits and grooves were picked out in red,
and the
same color scheme for the domes.