Re: Assumptions...
From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 16:14:07 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Assumptions...
On 16-May-00 at 15:58, Brian Bilderback ( wrote:
> >There are several obvious assumptions that have to be made
> >for a space combat game to work, these have already been
> >made in the Tuffleyverse (did I spell the correctly?).
> >
> >1. Space travel is relatively inexpensive.
> >2. Colonies have been put in place.
> >3. Shipping goods is a winning proposition.
> >
> >Jump up and down about how realistic or unrealistic assumption
> >X is, it doesn't matter. If we don't have these 3 things
> >(and probably others I didn't think of) we don't have a game.
> I for one never said that these assumpttions were unrealistic. Our
> discussion was about just how and why these 3 things took place, not
> whether or not they WILL.
Did I mention you anywhere in the post? I would have needed to go back
through and found out who it was that has violently been arguing that
space colonization costs too much, provides no return on investment, and
is unrealistic. Thus, no game.
> This is all very well and good, but I think you've missed the point of
> discussion. If YOU just want to play out set piece battles between
> fleets, go right ahead.
I don't do "set piece battles" very often. We almost always play
campaign. Of course we play small campaigns, everyone has 4 or 5
third rate worlds (around 100 production each) and we are out to
enlarge our empire, or head off the expansionist empire before it
takes us out, depending on your way of looking at it.