[OFFICIAL] another related question (was: Re: Entry speeds)
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 08:50:05 +0100
Subject: [OFFICIAL] another related question (was: Re: Entry speeds)
>>At 12:18 AM 5/15/00 +0300, Mikko wrote:
>>>Quick poll time: What do *you* (yes, you in the audience) use for
>>>parameters? I.e. initial speeds, facings and distance?
>Facing depends on scenatio, but generally towards one another.
>Speed, I tend to use a multiple of the ship's Main Drive rating.
To add an [OFFICIAL] question to Mikko's useful little poll, what do
think about legislating on entry speeds, directions etc. in the rules as
general principle? Should we have hard and fast rules, or
suggestions/guidelines, or leave it open (as it is now) for each playing
group to decide for themselves?
Jon (GZG)