Entry speeds
From: Aaron Teske <ateske@H...>
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 21:43:17 -0400
Subject: Entry speeds
At 12:18 AM 5/15/00 +0300, Mikko wrote:
>Quick poll time: What do *you* (yes, you in the audience) use for entry
>parameters? I.e. initial speeds, facings and distance?
Facing: take your pick
Distance: generally one end of the floor/table to the other... usually
the long way on a 6'x4' table.
Speeds: varies a lot. Pick from: d6, 2x d6, 2x or 3x or 4x slowest ship
("cruising speed"), some # (6 or 8 or 10) + up to speed of ship...
generally slow, if you go by Oerjan's standards.
Any help? ^_^