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Re: [OT] Bureau of Relocation

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 21:29:37 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [OT] Bureau of Relocation

On 12-May-00 at 18:01, Oerjan Ohlson ( wrote:
> Roger Books wrote:
> >I've been thinking a bit about this, the planet to orbit is trivial
> >in the published universe.  Why?
> > 
> >Well, lets see, we have antigravity.  If it is sturdy enough to be
> >used in a tank it will be used in the civilian world.
> Very true.
> >With antigravity you can basicly turn electricity into height.  Let's
> >see, the formula for potential energy is:  mgh (IIRC).
> Not entirely correct, but since you used the value for g at surface
> level your value is a very conservative upper limit - the real value
> will be lower (at least if you ignore nasty things like air resistance

If you add height slowly enough air resistance	should be minimal,
as for g decreasing, I know, but I'm a bit out of date on my
calc also.  I'm considering going back to school and auditting a calc
course just to correct that.


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