re: OT: Avalon Hill Starship Troopers Game.
From: "David Reeves" <davidar@n...>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 09:08:31 -0400
Subject: re: OT: Avalon Hill Starship Troopers Game.
> Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 22:08:24 -0500
> From: "Mark A. Siefert" <>
> Subject: OT: Avalon Hill Starship Troopers Game.
laserlight was right. the original SST (not movie version) heavily
the MI. other than that, the game is cool because of the elements
mentioned so far. if you are gonna go for it, tho, i would recommend
trying to get the supplements from the General. the best resource is
Web Grognards page ( ???). this lists all the General
issues that had add-ons. a search on Dogpile ( provides
some more goodies.
you will definitely need to modify the bugs so they are more playable,
reproducing more warriors during the battle. i would also consider
the tanker, hopper, etc bugs from the movie and anime series as well.
heck, you got me interested again! if you find some good stuff, let me
know. i will probably buy it too.