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Re: MT missiles

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 08:51:43 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: MT missiles

On 10-May-00 at 03:29, Mikko Kurki-Suonio ( wrote:
> - Make one normal fleet, say vanilla FB1 designs 

How about not vanilla FB1 designs, how about the heavy PDS/ADFC ships
that seem to be the norm for ships that go up against SMs.

> - Make one fleet of equal value, composed entirely of "bathtub
> MD8, one MTM, FTL, minimal hull, nothing else. 
> - Start the battle in the normal way. The launcher fleet enters at
> allowed velocity.
> - On the first turn (assuming table depth about 60" or less), the
> fleet launches all missiles and executes a hard turn away. (Cinematic
> tactics vary a bit in vector, but the essence stays the same)
> - On the following turns they continue running and FTL away at first
> opportunity.

Good, you hold lots of territory this way.  If you think of this as a
of a larger campaign it gives a whole different feel.  Do you have the
points to waste that mass of SMs every turn and never take a planet?

You want even better, house rule, if there are no friendly ships on
the board the missiles go away and the fighters surrender.

> You're saying they didn't cause that much damage either? Well, I have
> for you: A kill ratio of something to nothing is *infinite*!

A kill ratio of nothing to nothing is not valid.  If I can't dodge MT
missiles (and fighters) with no ships on the board they should send me
back to tactical school. 

Here, try another scenario.  Make one fleet of equal value, composed 
entirely of ER SMRs.  They fire and FTL out.  Pretty boring.  This
is the same scenario everyone discussed about SMs when they first
came out.  Funny, I never hear about any of these.


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