Re: FT: fitting crew to hull
From: Adrian Reen-Shuler <saltpeanuts73@y...>
Date: Mon, 8 May 2000 09:56:40 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: FT: fitting crew to hull
oops! my suggestion was exactly what you suggested.
--- wrote:
> Even before the change in FB2 about the amount of
> hull
> boxes allocated to a ship design I had already been
> favoring
> abut 25% devoted to hull (halfway between weak and
> average).
> This puts the DCPs 5 apart.
> I've come into some problems trying to fit the
> Damage Control
> Parties into some hull box amounts if I don't follow
> some exact
> percentage. How would you put 12 DCPs in a ship
> with 50 hull
> boxes? The first 2 DCPs 5 apart and the rest 4
> apart? Like so:
> I think this is better than being cheesy with
> putting 2 DCPs at the
> end when using hull sizes ending in 4 (i.e., 84,
> 124, 144, etc).
> (not that I won't name anyone who does
> this...Steve...oops)
> Glen
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