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Re: Centimeters

From: "Imre A. Szabo" <ias@s...>
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 13:40:56 -0400
Subject: Re: Centimeters

> You just have to use them differently.  Don't use them as an openning
> punch, use them to finish off ships which are still combat affective
> but down drive power.  Use them when you know your opponent _must_
> go places.  Keep a few in reserve to keep your opponent guessing so
> he has to go in non-optimal places for fear your SMs will be waiting
> for him.
> Roger

The problem here is that within an FSE fleet your primary weapons are
SM's and
you can't compete within class two weapons range with unless you get
behind them
(ie. you are following them in their aft 180).	This is hard to due and
why that
game I played took 22 turns.  The problem with putting salvo where your
must go is that you have to be within SM range to do.  At high speeds
this is not
easy to do while avoiding the the frontal arc of enemy ships.  (Note I
fighting ESU.  Against lower thrust NSL ships it should be easier.)


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