Re: Centimeters
From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 08:58:15 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Centimeters
On 3-May-00 at 08:32, Jeremey Claridge (
> On Wed, 3 May 2000 04:52:06 -0700 Sean Bayan Schoonmaker
> <> wrote:
> > >CM-scale SUCKS!
> >
> > Many of these complaints could be remedied by adopting a 1 MU = 2 cm
> > scale. Granted that it's not THAT much extra space, but it makes
> > users happy.
> >
> Well 2 cm is only 5mm off of one inch anyway.
> I missed the point to this arguement. Why do people want cm?
> Was is because the world has supposed to have gone Metric by now :)
Speed, speed, and more speed. If you are not playing on an artificially
restricted surface 30 seems to be about the lowest speed for thrust
4 ships (cinematic, haven't tried vector yet).