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Re: OT: Best quote on gun control...

From: sportyspam@h...
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 16:16:22 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: OT: Best quote on gun control...

On Fri, 28 Apr 2000, Imre A. Szabo wrote:
> Because this topic was brought up before.  Because this quote helps
shed light
> onto what is the heart of the problem.  And because no one else would.

  To paraphrase your quote:  "Guns don't kill people, people kill
Yes, we really needed to hear that again.  Thank you.

> > Do NOT bring gun control debates onto this list.
> I'll do it agian if I believe it is needed.  If I am kicked off the
list, I will
> get a new e-mail provider (a free one) and be back on in less than one

  In otherwords, you'll go against the lists social dictates to commit 
your crimes against us.  Your quote is especially fitting.  Too bad you
didn't listen to it yourself.

> Opinions are rarely made or changed in a day.  But seeds can be
planeted that will
> grow and flourish latter.

  Thats what .sig files are for.  :P
> Funny, my experience of sociology is that it is a rather stupid and
very expensive
> game (in money and lives) played by highly degreed persons without the
> intellectual capacity to do differential equations.

  It's certainly not played by people that can't even use an email list
properly, thank god.

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