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[OT] Historicals and flash (was:Re: Ships)

From: Jeremey Claridge <jeremy.claridge@k...>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 15:35:41 +0100 ()
Subject: [OT] Historicals and flash (was:Re: Ships)

> Even the Foundry
> figures, which everyone raves about as being wonderful (and the ARE
> good figures) have a certain amount of flash and are also very heavily
> covered in the little threads of metal caused by flow down the air
> channels in the mould, making the  cleanup time for each figure
> considerable.

The foundry figures I've bought were fine, but thinking about it I
bought those from
a retailer. Maybe the mail order customers are getting a raw deal and
that no self 
respecting figure manufacturer would dare try and sell flash heavy
figures in see through
blister packs. :)

Jeremey Claridge

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