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Re: UNSC Ship stats

From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@d...>
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 11:38:41 +1000
Subject: Re: UNSC Ship stats

From: "The Jobson's" <>

Am semi new to FT and was wondering if and where the ship stats can be
for the new UNSC minis?

Any help greatly appreciated.

Good question. There have been a number of designs published in this
list, and there may be others
on the web. But none are "official". Yet. Same deal for the OU and

Jon Tuffley esq. has been as busy as the proverbial 1-legged man in an
arse-kicking contest getting out
FB2. After that, the Gropos are really, really, REALLY desirous of
"Bugs Don't Surf", a scenario
book for DS2/SG actions involving the 3 alien species from FB2. After
that... well, I'd like to see FB3,
with the OU, UN, and Caliphate in. Or maybe FT3.

So don't hold your breath. The best that can be hoped for is a concensus
of SSDs on the web
that has some sort of official imprimatur, until an FB3 gets published.
why not do a bit of
research, find out what others have said (hint: look at the list digest)
maybe come up with
something better.

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